

Autonomous seedling Robot

It is on 15/6/2021 that the ASR project, which aims to use the latest available technologies to contribute solving the problems of agriculture in Egypt and to achieve the 2030 vision for sustainable development. The concept of smart systems and how to implement in various fields by building smart robots that can be controlled by using Internet of things technology. The proposed robot helps farmers in planting seedlings that require high effort and skill to install the seedlings in a correct manner. The robot performs many operations, e.g., removing obstacles, planting the seedlings. This is usually followed by paving the agricultural land until the robot performs task at a reasonable level of efficiency. The robot is designed to be connected to the internet to monitor the main parameters using a set of sensors. Such IoT-based monitoring system uses wireless sensor to collect data from different sensors. The project was implemented on the UNITY program to simulate a robotic system from the ground, and solar panels were used as a source of energy.

This project was implemented by the ASR team at the Mechatronics Department – Faculty of Engineering – Heliopolis University

Team members:

Team Leader: Amr Abdel Alim

Team Leader Mechanical: Omar Ashraf


  • Members of Mechanical Team: Al-Hussein Shaaban, Muhammad Samy, Nazir Al-Abrash, Muhammad Fouad and Ahmed Al-Sayed

     Team Control Leader: Abdelrahman Farag

  • Members of the control team: Muhammad Al-Abrash, Mustafa Mahmoud, Salma Sami, Esraa Mohammad and Kenzi Samir

     Under the supervision of:

  • Prof. Dr Abdel Halim Bassiuny, Dr. Ghada El-Gamal, Eng. Nerveen Ehab, Eng. Sara Ahmed Rashad and Eng. Ahmed Assal