April 30, 2018Heliopolis University wins an Egyptian-Japanese Research Grant to Combat Cancer April 29, 2018HU receives an African Delegation of Decision Makers April 26, 2018Heliopolis University Engineering Students Win the Second Place in the Mechatronics Graduation Projects Competition April 25, 2018UNCCD and World Future Council Reports about Solutions for Land, Soil and Food in Africa April 24, 2018Solutions for Land, Soil and Food in Africa: A High-level Conference by the World Future Council and Heliopolis University April 19, 2018Heliopolis University Student Engy Hossam Wins Universities Championship for Rowing April 18, 2018Heliopolis University First Employment Fair April 16, 2018Dr. Zahy Hawass at Heliopolis University April 16, 2018Heliopolis University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Helmy Abouleish Becomes UN-Champion for Facing Climate Change April 4, 2018Heliopolis University Hosts Alanus University President