Home » [:en]Faculties[:ar]الكليات[:] » [:en]Faculty of Pharmacy[:ar]كلية الصيدلة[:] » [:en]Department of Microbiology and Immunology[:ar]قسم الميكروبيولوجيا و المناعة[:]
The mission of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology is to conduct research, teaching, and service that will enhance the control of infectious diseases in human population.
Our goals to accomplish this mission include:
• Research programs that focus on understanding the mechanisms of pathogenesis of microbial infections at the cellular and molecular level as they relate to developing methods for disease prevention and treatment.
• Integrated teaching programs that are devoted to the education and training of students in various immunologic, epidemiologic, and biologic aspects of microbial pathogenesis, as well as disease control and prevention.
• Programs that focus on population-based education and prevention and control of infectious diseases.
The department academic courses are as follows:
• Microbiology and Immunology
• Pharmaceutical Microbiology
• Medical Microbiology
• Public Health
• Biotechnology
•Parasitology and Virology
Associate Professor and head of department of Microbiology