Day one of the student internship and training started with a meeting in the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, where they were welcomed by Dr. Mohamed Abdelsalam "Head of the Central Administration for Water Resources and Irrigation for Cairo and Giza Governorates"

طلاب كلية الهندسة برنامج المياه يقومون برفع مستويات التربة بمنطقة الشيخ حسني بالشرقية استعدادا لعمل مقترح بتوصيل شبكة مياه شرب للمنطقة

طلاب قسم العمارة بكلية الهندسة يقومون بتجميل مدرسة علي كامل بالشرقية , وعمل محاضرات توعوية لطلاب المدرسة عن اساسيات الدوائر الكهربية

Energy Graduation Project: CSP and Biomass


Engineering students participate in the admission process for the academic year 2019-2020

Engineering students join blood donation campaigns under supervision of the Ministry of Health


Faculty of Engineering hosts Prof. Fickert Lothar from Graz University of Technology who provides a seminar about "New Practical Protections Aspects for Electrical Networks in the presence of Renewable Energies"


Engineering companies and energy institutions join HU Second Job Fair


Thirteen Villages Project Starts Again


13 villages Development is Heliopolis University Biggest success Story

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As a result of the global economy being affected negatively by most of the world due to the Corona virus, the side effects on the Egyptian economy Read more.

The Corona Virus crisis hit the economic sectors in Egypt, and caused to Stopped the tourism activities

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The Corona virus is expected to cause a decrease in the rate of economic growth in Egypt and the world, and this is now clear because the rate of economic growth that was to be achieved by the end of the current fiscal year is 5.6%….Read more.