Organic products face many difficulties in Egypt such as lack of awareness about its high nutritional value or the perception of relatively high prices compared to conventional products. 2018 marketing senior students at the Faculty of Business and Economics discussed these challenges in their graduation project. They worked on their thesis titled “Consumer Behavior towards Organic Consumption with Relation to True Cost Accounting Concept,” in which they thoroughly discussed the relationship between price, awareness, environment, and consumer purchasing intention and how these variables affect the consumption pattern of organic products in Egypt.
‘’A new product was launched by ISIS Organic recently named Healthy Date Bar; it is the first organic date bar in Egypt’’ says Hager Ahmed. ‘’In our research, we collected more detailed data about the date bar and we searched for new ideas for distribution. We suggested some different ideas like online shopping, creative marketing campaigns, online advertisements through social media and YouTube, and wider distribution of organic products that covers all over Egypt. All these channels will highly contribute to raise awareness about organic products.”
The project team consists of Yasmine El Sherif, Hager Ahmed, Aya Shaaban, and Omar Al Sayed and it was under the supervision of Dr. Omar Ramzy, Dean of Business and Economics at Heliopolis University, Dr. Omar Habets, and Dr. Jo Spaubeck at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.
Hager Ahmed
Business and Economics 2018
Heliopolis University
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